Pages On: Workplace Slip
If you’ve slipped, tripped or fallen in your workplace, you may be able to claim injury compensation. If the accident wasn’t your fault, contact our team today to claim for your injuries.

Woman wins £6,000 for fractured pelvis caused by work accident
Posted: 12 April 2016
Posted in: Hip Injuries, Workplace Injuries, Workplace Slip
A 26-year-old woman from Basildon, Essex has received compensation of £6,000 after fracturing her pelvis at her place of work. The victim had been working as a waitress at the Outback Steakhouse in Yardley Business Park in Basildon when she slipped on a puddle of water next to the dishwasher. The waitress, who was working her notice at the restaurant, was coming to the end of her shift and was putting her takings into the till, when she slipped and fell very heavily causing the fractures to her pelvis. The young woman had…
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Dangers of Working in the Construction Industry: Making a Personal Injury Claim
Posted: 10 February 2016
Posted in: Falls from Heights, Industrial Deafness and Disease, Workplace Injuries, Workplace Slip
There have been a number of initiatives attempting to improve workplace safety and prevent serious injury through accidents, however, despite this, the construction industry remains one of the most common places for someone to sustain a serious injury. There were more injuries and fatalities in the workplace in 2014/15 than there were in the previous twelve months indicating that, despite efforts to lower the number of workplace accidents, they are still exceptionally common. The two most common areas for accidents to occur were in agriculture and once again, construction, which…
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Sheffield schools see £2.2million in personal injury claims
Posted: 6 July 2015
Posted in: Public Place Accidents, School Accidents, Workplace Injuries, Workplace Slip
Recently released figures have revealed that schools across Sheffield have received compensation claims totaling £2.2million from injured pupils and teachers in a five-year window. Of this total, £1m was actually paid out, with £54,000 going to a staff member who slipped, and £17,900 to a pupil who was exposed to chemical fumes. The claims were logged between 2009 and 2014, with Ecclesfield School having the most claims (10 claims, at a total value of £155,275). City School had the second highest number of claims, with nine claims totaling £116,807,…
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Council pays out over £330,000 in school injury compensation
Posted: 18 June 2014
Posted in: Finger Injuries, Foot Injuries, Public Place Accidents, School Accidents, Workplace Injuries, Workplace Slip
A recent report has found that Lincolnshire County Council has paid out over £330,000 in compensation to those injured at school. With claims ranging from a trapped thumb to a book falling on a child’s foot, the “compensation culture” argument has been raised in relation to many of the council’s payouts. The figures were released as part of a BBC Freedom of Information request which looked at the figures from 2008 to 2014. One teacher was awarded with £4,000 after they “almost fell” when a stool broke. Other successful claimants included…
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Workplace compensation claims dropped by 50% in last 10 years
Posted: 22 April 2014
Posted in: Employer Negligence, Industrial Deafness and Disease, Repetitive Strain Injury, Spine & Back Injuries, Workplace Injuries, Workplace Slip
A report recently released by TUC has found that compensation cases related to workplace injuries and illness have fallen by around 50% in the last decade. The figures revealed that compensation claims have fallen from 183,342 in 2002/03, to 91,115 in 2012/13. Despite there being a promising decline in cases, this could be due to the government making it increasingly difficult for workers to pursue claims of employer negligence. The report found that around 6 out of 7 workers who are injured or made ill at work (85.7%) receive no compensation whatsoever. This…
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