Pages On: Hip Injuries
Hip injuries are not just problems for the elderly, damage to our hips can be caused by a myriad of accidents that can leave us immobile for a long time. A hip injury can lead to several other issues for a person, and restrict their ability to live and work. In the worst cases, a hip injury can leave someone wheelchair bound, but even minor ones can leave someone with little-to-no movement for a while. If you’ve suffered a hip injury, and it wasn’t your fault, you may be able to claim personal injury compensation.

Woman wins £6,000 for fractured pelvis caused by work accident
Posted: 12 April 2016
Posted in: Hip Injuries, Workplace Injuries, Workplace Slip
A 26-year-old woman from Basildon, Essex has received compensation of £6,000 after fracturing her pelvis at her place of work. The victim had been working as a waitress at the Outback Steakhouse in Yardley Business Park in Basildon when she slipped on a puddle of water next to the dishwasher. The waitress, who was working her notice at the restaurant, was coming to the end of her shift and was putting her takings into the till, when she slipped and fell very heavily causing the fractures to her pelvis. The young woman had…
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Paralysed soldier able to walk again
Posted: 2 November 2015
Posted in: Armed Forces Injuries, Hip Injuries, Workplace Injuries
A soldier that was left paralysed by an accidental shooting has been able to walk again with the help of a bionic motorised walking suit. 36-year-old Dale Messenger had been a bomb disposal expert and was accidentally blasted in the hip during a live ammunition training exercise in the Falkland Islands. The injury left him wheelchair bound, until he discovered the exoskeleton suit. Mr Messenger in 2009 was accidentally shot by another soldier during the training exercise. Two years after the accident, he had failed to make any progress with…
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Schoolboy awarded £15,000 in compensation
Posted: 12 March 2014
Posted in: Hip Injuries, Public Place Accidents, School Accidents, Workplace Injuries
An Essex schoolboy has been awarded £15,197 worth of compensation after a teacher threw a DVD case in the classroom and cut his eyebrow. The plastic DVD cover accidently hit the boy, causing him to sustain a “tiny cut to the eyebrow”. The boy’s family succeeded in securing a five-figure pay-out from Essex County Council. The council said that the teacher had not meant to throw the case with such force, and had only been trying to pass the DVD to a pupil but “unintentionally threw it with more force than expected and…
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Pelvic and Hip Injuries
Posted in: Hip Injuries, Personal Injury
The most common cause of pelvic / hip injuries is a slip, trip or fall, often caused by something simple such as tripping on a lose cable whilst at work, slipping on a spillage in the supermarket or falling off a ladder. If you have injured your hip in an accident that was not your fault then you could be entitled to make a compensation claim against the party that was responsible for the accident (i.e. the supermarket, your employer etc) as your hip injury is a result of their…
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