Psychiatric Injury Compensation

If you have suffered a psychiatric injury following an accident that was not your fault then you could be entitled to claim compensation, the purpose of which (in addition to providing you with some form of redress) is to help you recover the costs of any medical treatment you may require and any other loss that you have suffered such as loss of income and damage to property.

Psychiatric/Mental Injury Claims Solicitors

Psychiatric injuries can be a result of a serious road traffic accident, an accident at work, sporting accidents or a military environment. Any accident can result in mental trauma which in turn could result in psychiatric injury such as depression, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), eating disorders, anxiety, phobias, panic attacks, avoidance behaviour and so on. These are terrible conditions and in many cases are worse than any physical injuries that follow from an accident because of the impact they have on the victim’s family and because the recovery time is if often much greater.

It is not just the claimant who can make a claim for psychiatric injuries, those who witnessing horrific accidents are also prone to psychiatric injuries and can therefore make a compensation claim as well provided they witness the accident first hand and not for example on the news. This often affects those who work for the emergency services, the armed services and those who witness friends and colleagues suffering horrendous injuries.

With the right help and support psychiatric injuries can be overcome and often financial compensation is essential to this process. The compensation can pay for medication, counseling sessions and any form of support that is required.

If you would like to make a claim for compensation following a psychiatric injury then you should speak with one of our personal injury solicitors** in Sheffield within three years of the date of the accident that resulted in the injury. They will then be able to gather evidence, establish liability and negotiate a settlement on your behalf – all on a no win no fee* basis which means that you can focus on your recovery without having to worry about legal bills.

Psychiatric Injury Claims Lawyers Sheffield

If you have been injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault, our injury lawyers can help you claim compensation through our No Win, No Fee* offering. Call us on 01144 938 199^ To make an online enquiry please complete our claim form.

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