Road Traffic Accidents in Sheffield – Claim Compensation with our Experts

Road users have a duty of care to ensure that they do not prejudice the health and safety of other road users. Most road traffic accidents are as a result of negligence and not an intention to cause injury. Nevertheless, when the rules of the road are not followed, the consequences of a road traffic accident can be serious.

In line with FCA Regulations, you are entitled – if you fulfil the necessary criteria – to make a claim for injury arising from a motor accident in Sheffield to the Claims Portal. You do not need to instruct a solicitor and can submit a claim free of charge. Our panel solicitors will charge a fee for providing advice and submitting your claim. This fee may be up to 25% of the claim value plus VAT. We will be able to inform you in more detail when you enquire on 01144 938 199^.

Compensation for Injuries on Sheffield’s Roads

If you have been injured in a road traffic accident that a third party was – even partly – responsible for, then you could be entitled to make a claim for compensation. By instructing a road traffic injury claims solicitor** in Sheffield to investigate the merits of a claim, you stand a better chance of getting the compensation you deserve. As most road users are insured against such claims, anyone one that is injured in a road traffic accident is likely to be able to claim some compensation.

The most common vehicle in a road traffic accident is the car. Car accidents are much more common than with public transport because of the volume of cars on the road. Each car driver has to take responsibility for all other road users. Because of the driver ability, knowledge, and adherence to road rules, the risk of accident can vary from car-to-car.

Regardless of what vehicle you were using, we can help. If you were riding a bicycle at the time of injury, or were a pedestrian that was knocked down. Even in specialist cases like motorcycle crashes, or rare, but often damaging, accidents on public transport, you stand to receive compensation for your pain and suffering, and we can help you achieve that.

The most common injury following a road traffic accident is whiplash, which is an injury to the neck caused by a sudden jolt, usually as a result of a rear end collision. Typically, whiplash is not serious and most suffers make a full recovery within a year. If the whiplash is likely to cause long terms problems then, as with any type of injury with long term implications, the amount of compensation awarded is likely to be greater. In addition to compensation for the physical injury, a personal injury claims solicitor** for Sheffield will also be able to help you to recover any consequential loss such as loss of income, medical bills, travel expenses and damage to property. It is worth noting that any compensation award may be reduced if the victim has been found to have been negligent, for example, the failure to wear a cycle helmet or a seat belt.

Time limits for a Road Traffic Accidents in Sheffield

If you would like to make a claim for compensation following a road traffic accident, then you should speak with our injury solicitors ** within three years of the date of the accident. This ensures that it is not time-barred under the Limitation Act 1980. In the case of children, a claim can be made up to the child’s 21st birthday.

Contact our Specialist Road Traffic Accident Solicitors for Sheffield now

If you have been injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault, our injury lawyers ** can help you claim compensation through our no win, no fee * offering. Call our accident solicitors ** on 01144 938 199^ Alternatively, you can contact us online to find out more.

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