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Care home conditions “inadequate”

Posted in: Medical Negligence 

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) carried out an unannounced inspection of Aston Manor care home in Dewsbury in early November of last year and found conditions at the home to be “inadequate”. It found that residents at the care home “were not treated with dignity and respect”, in the report published by the care watchdogs.

It was noted that inspectors saw extensive smears of faeces on carpets, walls, furniture and handrails and that the building had “highly offensive odours” which was upsetting to the residents. It noted that the problem remained throughout the day.

The CQC inspectors were also concerned that staff consistently called one of the residents by the wrong name and failed to notice that one of the resident’s trousers had fallen down. The resident was not offered any assistance by the care home staff. They also reported that the faith room was being used as a storage room.

“a work in progress”

The Aston Manor care home is run by a company called Mauricare Limited and cares mainly for people suffering from dementia. The home’s website claims that the home: “respects people’s equality, diversity, human rights, dignity and personhood”. However inspectors found that the quality of care towards residents was not consistently good. During their visit staff failed to realise that a resident in the day room was needing the toilet and when an inspector intervened it was too late. Inspectors recorded that the “situation compromised their dignity”.

Mauricare Limited have had the care home for around a year and stated: “We see it pretty much a work in progress as we continue with our plan to rebuild and making the home a better place to live”.

If you have been affected by healthcare negligence, and are looking to claim compensation, please contact us. 


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