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Brain injured victim of car accident awarded compensation

Posted in: Car Accidents Head and Brain Injuries Road Traffic Accidents 

A man from Bognor Regis has been awarded compensation after suffering a severe brain injury in a road traffic accident. 21-year-old Josh Humphrey suffered the ‘catastrophic’ injuries five years ago when he was involved in a car accident in his friend’s vehicle. He was only 16 when the accident happened, a collision that left one of his friends dead. The group had been on their way out for a day trip when the collision happened.

In the months following the crash, Mr Humphrey spent long periods of time in a number of different hospitals and rehabilitation units. He was eventually able to return home to a specially adapted bungalow. His mother consulted several small legal firms after the accident, but it soon became clear that they required specialist legal help.

“substantial” damages

The case finally reached the stage where a settlement was achieved and approved by the High Court. The amount of compensation awarded to Mr Humphrey has not been disclosed, but has been described by his lawyer as “substantial”.

It was heard that the compensation would enable Mr Humphrey to secure the accommodation, care and equipment needed for his condition.

Josh’s mother, Steph Humphrey, said: “Nothing will take away Josh’s terrible difficulties but at least we no longer have the huge financial worries that arise as a result of brain injury.”  

If you have suffered injuries in a road traffic accident, and are looking to claim compensation, please contact us


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