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Worker’s crushing death ruled as ‘accidental’

Posted in: Workplace Injuries Wrongful & Accidental Death 

An inquest jury has deemed the death of a labourer ‘accidental’ following this week’s hearing. 24-year-old Callum Osborne had been working as a pipe layer on a building site in Whitstable, Kent, when the trench he was working in collapsed and subsequently buried him alive. The father-to-be had only been working on the site for two days when the accident happened in April 2011. 

It was heard that Mr Osborne had been continuously contacting the building firm Cooper Services Ltd for work for weeks prior to the accident. They had eventually agreed to give him a trial run. On his second day he was responsible for laying pipes in a trench that was 1.6m (5ft) deep and 33m (108ft) long. The trench gave way on top of Mr Osborne and he subsequently died. 

“Left a devastating impact on everybody”

Mr Osborne’s partner, Colette Osborne, said that she was greatly disappointed by the outcome of the hearing. The Crown Prosecution Service said that there was a severe lack of information, which prevented them from prosecuting.  

Mrs Osborne said: “His death has destroyed many lives and has left a devastating impact on everybody.

The Health and Safety Executive are currently assessing the case to determine whether or not there is enough evidence to take further legal action.

In 2012/13 a total of 148 workers were fatally injured at work. This produced a rate of fatal injury of 0.5 deaths per 100,000 workers – less than half the number killed at work two decades ago.

If you have suffered an injury at work, and are looking to claim compensation, please contact us


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