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A&E waiting times only “getting worse”

Posted in: Medical Negligence NHS Claims 

New data collected by the Royal College of Emergency Medicine found that A&E waiting times in England only continue to get worse. The figures found that 88% of A&E patients were admitted or treated within the four-hour waiting time, despite the fact that the current target stands at 95%. The College compiled the data from over 40 trusts – one in five of the total in the UK.

The report revealed further problems related to discharging patients. Across some trusts, one fifth of hospital beds were occupied by patients ready to leave hospital who couldn’t due to a lack of available community service care.

“worst is yet to come”

Dr Cliff Mann pointed out that something obviously isn’t working, considering the fact that three-quarters of hospitals have increased their stock of beds to relieve pressure, yet the problem remains unsolved. A growing number of routine operations are also being cancelled to save bed space. Dr Mann said that he believes the “worst is yet to come”. He said that delayed discharges show no signs of diminishing.

A spokeswoman for NHS England said that the solution lies in creating more joined-up care between NHS and council-run social care. She said: “It’s important patients who are well enough to leave hospital can do so at the earliest opportunity and are helped to recover with dignity and compassion”.

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