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Thalidomide victims awarded £80million health grant

Posted in: Birth Injury Medical Negligence 

The Department of Health is to pay around £80million over ten years to the Thalidomide Trust through an annual grant, which dispenses help and support to people disabled by the drug.

This deal secures additional financial support for England’s 325 surviving “thalidomiders”, many of whom are unable to work and require adapted homes and cars.

The grant recognises the increasing health needs of Thalidomide survivors as they approach older age and that more investment is needed to help meet the complex health needs that can arise.

The grant, piloted for the last three years, has previously been used to help thalidomiders to alter their houses or other areas of life to improve health and living standards.

Between 1958 and 1961, the drug Thalidomide was used by expectant mothers to control symptoms of morning sickness. The drug led to many babies being born with physical disabilities.

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