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Extra staff for struggling hospital

Posted in: Medical Negligence 

Having been placed under special measures following a Care Quality Commission report in December, the Royal Blackburn Hospital has taken on almost 150 new members of staff. The East Lancashire Hospitals Trust was placed under special measures after an investigation made worrying findings. The trust was failing to meet three out of four national standards in the Accident and Emergency department.

The investigation was carried out under the Keogh review, which uncovered major problems in many NHS trusts sparked by a worrying increase in hospital death rates. As a result, the Royal Blackburn Hospital has employed over 100 new nurses, and 22 new doctors. Understaffing was a major contributing factor towards many of the hospital’s failings. Jim Birrell, interim chief executive said that the trust’s improvements were “encouraging”. He continued: “Our priority is to provide safe, personal and effective care for all patients” with “very committed staff”.

‘Still short on numbers’

The East Lancashire Hospitals Trust, which also runs Burnely General Hospital and employs around 7,000 people, has made further improvements since the report. The trust appointed a new interim chief executive, chairman, medical director and nursing director. The new nursing director, Christine Pearson, said that despite recruiting over 100 new nurses over the past 12 months, the trust is still short on numbers.

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