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Enforcement action taken at many construction sites

Posted in: Employer Negligence Falls from Heights Workplace Injuries 

Nearly one in five construction sites visited across Britain have been subject to enforcement action after failing safety checks.

In a month long initiative, inspectors from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) visited a total of 2363 sites where refurbishment or repair work was taking place and saw 2976 contractors.

Around 631 enforcement notices were served across 433 sites for poor practices that could put workers at risk, with 451 notices ordering that work stop immediately until the situation was put right.

Between 18th February and 15th March HSE inspectors made unannounced visits to construction sites to ensure they were managing high-risk activity, such as working at height.

Checks were also carried out in on whether there was general good order on site, whether protective equipment was being used effectively and if welfare facilities were adequate.

During 2011/12 49 workers were killed while working in construction and 2,884 major injuries were reported.


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