Doctors to face harsher penalties for medical mistakes
Posted: August 24, 2014
Posted in: Medical Negligence 
Doctors who fail to meet care standards can expect to face tougher penalties. The General Medical Council has decided to revise the measures in place surrounding the punishment of doctors who make mistakes in the care of their patients. The GMC plans to make numerous changes, including gaining the ability to restrict the practice of doctors who have failed to meet care standards, even if their work has already been approved.
The GMC, which regulates all doctors in the UK, has decided to toughen up in order to help protect patients from receiving inadequate medical care. Numerous guidelines are already in place to ensure satisfactory patient care, yet the GMC believe that more could be done in certain situations. They are currently seeking the opinions of the public and specialist groups.
Force doctors to apologise to patients
According to the newly proposed guidelines, doctors who do not raise concerns about a colleague’s failings will face far tougher sanctions. As well as this, the GMC could gain the power to force doctors to apologise to patients, even if they have refused to do so in the past.
The chief executive of the GMC, Niall Dickson, said that he found doctors to be in agreement that “stronger action” is necessary in serious cases. He said: “in the small number of serious cases where doctors fail to listen to concerns they should be held to account for their actions.”
The outcome of the consultation is set to close on the 14th of November, with the outcome being published next year.
If you have been affected by medical negligence, and are looking to claim compensation, please contact us.
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