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Compensation awarded following blood clot misdiagnosis

Posted in: Birth Injury Leg Injuries Medical Negligence 

A mother has been awarded £400,000 in compensation after she developed a potentially fatal blood clot after giving birth. The 41-year-old had complained of discomfort but was told by hospital staff that it was probably just hormones. Her lawsuit argued that she was not properly assessed despite being in a high-risk category having had deep vein thrombosis in her leg after giving birth to her first child.

The unnamed mother is to receive £400,000 from the South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust. It has been argued that even if the clot had not been detected, medical staff should have provided her with preventative drugs on the basis of her DVT in 2009. Developing a blood clot during pregnancy can be fatal as it can dislodge and travel to the lungs.

Could have lost her entire leg

The victim said: “It’s affected every aspect of my life, I just feel old before my time … I find walking for more than 10-15 minutes very hard to endure and stairs are incredibly difficult.

Since the accident, she has had another two children. Following these births she has undergone multiple operations associated to the blood clot issues. It was heard that if she developed another blood clot she could have lost her entire leg.

Her solicitor made the point that this injury could easily have been avoided. The victim now has to take medication for the problem and wear tight wetsuit-like stockings.

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